If protective film is applied, leave the area alone for 5-6 days before removing the film. When removing the film, give the tattoo area a light wash as instructed below immediately followed by ointment.
Wait up to 4-6 hours before your first wash.
Always use cold water to clean the area.
Use unscented soap to clean the area thoroughly and gently.
Apply thin layer healing ointment after each wash.
Repeat these steps 3x a day until fully healed.
Once healed, use unscented lotion to keep the area moisturize.
Avoid direct sun & dirty environment.
Avoid going to the pool and beach.
Do not pick the scabs before they are ready. This can cause pigment loss and imperfect healing results.
Do not let any water, lotion, soap, or makeup touch your brow area during the first 7 days after your procedure
Apply postcare ointment (provided ointment or coconut oil) to the area of procedure using clean fingertips 2-4x/day for at least 7 days
Avoid eyebrow area when washing the face and keep your face away from the showerhead when bathing
After 7 days, cleanse the brows twice a day (AM/PM) using a gentle, slippery cleanser such as Cetaphil, Cerave, Baby Shampoo using a light pressure to the skin. Do not use cleansing oil as cleansing oil works by rubbing into the skin
After 7 days, start applying broad spectrum sunscreen daily
Avoid putting makeup on the brow area as it heals
Itching and flaking may start to appear during the first 7 days of post-procedure. Do not pick or touch the flaking. Proper aftercare and ointment application has been known to help the flaking heal quickly
While normal symptoms can often worry clients after the procedure, if any unexpected problems occur, do not hesitate to contact us and we will address your concerns
Contact a physician if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following: fever/elevated body temperature, redness, swelling, or tenderness at the site for a prolonged period after the procedure, red streaks going from the procedure site toward the heart, any green/yellow discharge that is foul in odor
Excessive sweating/sports/swimming
Hot sauna, hot tub, or jacuzzi
Tanning of any kind, as UV/UV exposure is known to cause premature fading or change in color
Any laser, chemical treatments, or peels
Products containing Retin-A or glycolic acid on the face and neck
Picking, peeling, or scratching the site of procedure to avoid scarring or removal of pigment
Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris
Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds
Driving in open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles
Touching of the eyebrow area except when rinsing and applying the post-care cream with a cotton swab
Wash the skin around the eyes twice a day (morning & night) using a gentle, unscented soap (Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser, Cerave Hydrating Facial Cleanser, or baby shampoo). Use your fingertips to cleanse gently and pat dry with a clean tissue.
Apply ointment 2-3 times a day for up to 7 days for thick eyeliner (OMIT FOR LASH LINE ENHANCEMENT).
Scabs will take about 7 -10 days to peel off. Do not pick at the scabs or peel them off prematurely.
Swelling and redness is normal for the first few days.
Slight stinging sensation in the first few days is also normal.
Color will fade approximately 30-50% lighter when the scabs fall off. This is completely normal. Do not feel discouraged if the fading is more than you expected.
To achieve the perfect eyeliner, we need to see how your skin accepts the initial application and a touch-up appointment is where we will perfect the shape and color.
No eye makeup is allowed until the scabs completely fall off.
Avoid sweaty exercises such as hot saunas, hot yoga, and swimming until the scabbing comes off.
The eyeliner will start to form scabs and they might look dark and thick. As the skin heals, the scabs will fall off in random pieces and might look patchy.
Flaking and crusting on the tattoo area may occur.
Avoid pulling off the scabs that are dried on the lashes.
When you try to pull off the scabs that are hanging on your lashes, ensure the scabs are soft enough to slide off from the lashes. Use a mascara brush to help remove the scabs.
Swelling occurs up to 3 days after the procedure, especially in the morning.
Exercising the eyes can help reduce swelling and puffiness. Try blinking actively for 2 minutes in the morning.
To relieve swelling, you can ice the area with soft gel ice packs.
To ensure the best retention of color, it is advisable to exfoliate the lips during the week prior to procedure by using a soft toothbrush, a washcloth or wet paper towel. After exfoliating apply a lip moisturizer to lips. Do not wax above lips or use any bleaching products within a week of procedure. Fever blisters are a common side affect of lip tattooing. If you have ever had fever blisters (even years ago), cold sores, shingles or chicken pox a prescribed anti-viral medication must be taken prior to and after the procedure.
Lips will feel swollen and very dry after your treatment. Apply coconut oil on lips several times a day. This should be done for at least 14 days post treatment. Do not allow lips to become dry. This may interfere with healed color. During the day if lips feel dry, apply a liberal amount of ointment. Just tap on skin and do not rub in.
Always use a clean Q-tip, not fingers to apply ointment to the lips area. This will reduce the risk of secondary infection. It is advised to sleep on an old pillowcase. There will be residual pigment coming off the lips for several days that can stain linens.
After lips are no longer tender to the touch they may become flaky. This is normal and is expected. Please do not pick or scratch at them. This may significantly reduce the amount of pigment uptake. Avoid the sun and tanning beds pre and post procedure. Be sure to use a sunblock once lips are healed. Do not use any Glycolic, Hydroxyl or fruit acid products on lips. Avoid direct water pressure, pools and other bodies of water, until healed. Please be advised it is a good idea to brush your teeth with just water for 72 hours, post treatment. You can resume wearing lipstick once lips are healed. It is advised to use a new lipstick after all lip treatments. Redness, swelling, tenderness, dryness are all common post treatment side effects and will dissipate in a short period of time. Avoid oily, salty, acidic foods and alcohol while healing.